3WF | Updates… - (Archive)

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A newly released outside air temperature sensor (and related CAN bus interface) has been added to 3WF – you can now now enjoy continuous TAS and wind information on the G5 units:

Also, our Cessna now sports LED upgrades of its anti-collision lights (both strobes and the beacon). This will reduce the likelihood of temporary equipment-related Day-VFR Only restrictions even further. Be careful when you check those lights during preflight, they are very bright…

No news at this time with regard to the EGT probes – new ones have been ordered but have not arrived in time for the current 100hr MX. Those probes are more sturdy and should last longer, but they will also be slightly slower to respond to temperature changes; something to keep in mind when leaning with the EGTs.

We’re looking into a replacement of the tow bar as the current (original) one is about to disintegrate.

Lastly, with the next MX service we also intend to replace the pilot side and baggage door locks of 3WF; the new locks will share just one key, so there will be less try and error.