N919ES | ICAO Filing - (Archive)

This content has been archived; it may no longer be relevant.
FAA Equipment/G
ICAO EquipmentGRS, Z
ICAO SurveillanceB2E
ICAO Wake CategoryL
ICAO PBNC2, D2, O2, S1
Other InformationCODE: ACB88F
SUR: 260B
STS Special HandlingNone

There normally is no dinghy or other non-standard emergency equipment on N919ES.

WAAS GPS Notes about N919ES…

  • This plane has an ADS-B XPDR – which is WAAS-based – but no WAAS GPS, therefore approaches cannot be flown to LPV, LNAV/VNAV or LP (those are relatively rare) minimums
  • A non-WAAS approved GPS meets the RNP1 and RNP APCH standards – however, you cannot fly approaches with RNP in the title and AR (Authorization Required) notes; see this item and also this post at Bruce’s blog for further details
  • A WAAS GPS upgrade of this plane is expensive and currently not even available, although Diamond says they’re working on it – if they will offer it we will certainly consider adding it
