Now that Galvin Flying has closed its doors, you may wonder where you can find our aircraft for training and rental purposes:
- Twin Stars
- N238US has been moved to BEFA in Renton (RNT)
- Initial challenges included an annual inspection for which a maintenance framework had to be creatively established – we have addressed basically everything, and the plane should go into service at BEFA early February (initially without working autopilot, but that is planned to be addressed within the next couple of weeks)
- N16ES has been moved to Intercept Aviation in Portland (PDX) where she is happily flying around!
- N238US has been moved to BEFA in Renton (RNT)
- Skyhawk N513WF also went to BEFA, and the repairs related to the unwanted kiss from a Gulfstream have been completed. The plane is basically ready (other than an autopilot-related service item), and should be available to you very soon in early February as well!
Let us know if you have any questions!